These guidelines provide general information for all property owners living adjacent to sea turtle nesting beaches, but they are specifically designed to help property owners required to avoid and minimize lighting impacts to sea turtles as part of the State permitting programs, such as Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) permits and Environmental Resource Permits (ERP).
Keep it LOW
Keep it LONG
Lights that are needed for safety or security should not be turned off, as this may cause a safety hazard. Instead, they should be modified so that they meet the Golden Rules. This can be accomplished in several ways including switching the bulb to an amber, orange, or red LED, adding shielding, and/or re-positioning the light to face downward and away from the beach. Motion sensors can also be helpful. If the fixture can’t be sufficiently modified, it can be replaced with a Wildlife Lighting Certified fixture.
Shields can be installed over certain balcony lights to restrict the light to the balcony itself and limit illumination and visibility from the adjacent beach – remember that these should have a long-wavelength bulb installed in them. Find Balcony lights that are Wildlife Lighting Certified.
Are they utility pole lights?
Lights on utility poles can be turned off by the power company at your request if they are on your property. If you feel light is still needed for safety, additional shielding can be added to many pole fixtures (i.e. house side shields) that can make the direct light source less visible from the beach.
Pole lights in parking lots can be replaced with full cut off fixtures, angled so the light is aimed away from the beach, covered by shields, and fitted with a long-wavelength light source.
Pool lights can cause cumulative glow onto other surfaces due to the light reflecting off the water. To address this issue, pool lights can be locked on an amber or red color during the marine turtle nesting season. Additionally, you can plant or improve vegetation buffers to block the pool lights and cumulative glow from the beach.
Decorative lights, such as uplights, string lights, or lights in trees, serve no purpose for human safety. These can be quickly and effectively turned off immediately and should not be turned on until after sea turtle nesting season ends, October 31. Remember, only turn off lights that are NOT needed for safety or security.
White lights inside the building can be visible from the beach and are often much brighter than the exterior lights. Interior lights can quickly turn a turtle friendly building into one that causes disorientations. There are several quick, inexpensive, and effective ways to prevent interior lights from being visible from the beach.
*Please email if you need additional information or help.