Reporting Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) in Canada

For information on possible side effects after vaccination, consult:

The Public Health Agency of Canada collects case reports on adverse events following immunization from provincial and territorial health departments, health care professionals and the pharmaceutical industry.

The data is stored in the Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization ( CAEFI ) database and is used to signal adverse events that may require more in-depth investigation. The main function of the Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System ( CAEFISS ) is to ensure the continued safety of vaccines on the Canadian market by monitoring adverse events following immunization with vaccines.

How to report

For the general public

Should you experience an adverse event following immunization, please ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist to complete the Adverse Events following Immunization (AEFI) Form.

For health care professionals

If a patient experiences an adverse event following immunization, please complete the appropriate Adverse Events following Immunization ( AEFI ) Form and send it to your local Health Unit in your province/territory.

If you have any questions, contact the Public Health Agency of Canada.

COVID-19 adverse events following immunization

Access the most recent report on adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination.

Reporting adverse reactions to drugs and other health products

To report adverse reactions to drugs and other health products visit: